Debbie qualified in 2009 as a Registered Nurse, until this time her career was mostly a PA for a National Finance Company and then moved onto a Children's Nursery. After being made redundant Debbie decided she wanted to "go back to school" to gain the qualifications required to carry out her Nurse training. Therefore, went to her local College to complete the Access course and then onto University West of England for Higher Education. Once qualified Debbie worked in the local acute Hospital (Great Western) on Medical Wards, during this time became passionate for Palliative Care.
In 2014 Debbie was successful in becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist for the Hospital based Palliative Care Team, supporting patients and families in the acute setting during their admission. After gaining further experience and knowledge, Debbie was then successful becoming the Prospect Hospice at Home Team Leader in February 2020. Debbie's first year was challenging, as within one month of joining, the pandemic struck and there were multiple changes and new ways of working. However, through different ways of working and multiple learning opportunities, the Hospice at Home service continues to provide a service to ensure the patients and their families have the End of Life support they need at such a difficult time.
With only just over a quarter of annual funding from the NHS and other statutory sources, the Hospice needs to raise more than £6million each year. Through fundraising and the shops, together we make a real difference to the experience of people affected by life-limiting illnesses each year. Debbie supports Prospect Hospice regularly either by taking part in charity events or supporting the organisation of events to enable the Hospice to continue the specialist care that is given throughout. In March 2023 Debbie walked approximately 65km in the Sahara Dessert raising almost £11k for the Hospice - now Debbie is thinking "What Next?"!"